Relatório de consultoria do grupo apresentado à empresa Convicta Serviços em Processamento de Dados Ltda – ME.


Alex Ribeiro de Andrade; Álvaro Filipe Almeida Costa; Danilo da Silva Umbelino; Marcelo da Rocha Silva; Willian Borges dos Santos


Consultancy, Data processing


On September 9, 2021, conversations began with the company Convicta Serviços em Processamento de Dados LTDA – ME. On this day, the location of the company, its surroundings, the entire internal part of the company and its departments, such as: tax department, logistics, finance, marketing, commercial, purchasing, people management and etc. In addition, questions were taken to be discussed with those responsible, through a questionnaire prepared by the group's students so that they can learn more about the entity and, about the company's tax department, a sector to which we will be evaluating better to understand the functioning of the sector and, with that, reach the realization of the consultancy focused on the sector.


ANDRADE, Alex Ribeiro de; COSTA, Álvaro Filipe Almeida; UMBELINO, Danilo da Silva; SILVA, Marcelo da Rocha; SANTOS, Willian Borges dos. Relatório de consultoria do grupo apresentado à empresa Convicta Serviços em Processamento de Dados Ltda – ME. 2021. 16f. Relatório (Graduação em Ciências Contábeis ) - Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2021.



December 3, 2021