Executive Process: Seizure Of Passport And Suspension Of The National License


Daniel Silveira Pacheco
Everaldo Luiz de Souza Cunha
Vitor Batista Rodrigues


Coercive Measures, fundamental rights, Effectiveness


Despite all the advances in legislation and in the institutes used to seek the effectiveness of the execution processes, it is commonly possible to verify the frustrated executions or processes that cannot reach their effectiveness. Given these gaps, the possibility of applying coercive measures, such as apprehension of passports and suspension of the national driver's license, has emerged. Thus, through several researches and corroborated with the position of several jurists, this article will seek to explain whether such measures have legal support and are legal. Undoubtedly, in such demands it is possible to verify the different positions on the subject among the operators of the law, but the acceptance by the doctrine and jurisprudence regarding such applicability is transparent, especially in cases where it was not possible to satisfy through the right of conventional measures.


PACHECO, Daniel Silveira; CUNHA, Everaldo Luiz de Souza; RODRIGUES, Vitor Batista. Processo executivo: apreensão de passaporte e suspensão da carteira nacional de habilitação. 2021. 25f. Artigo (Graduação em Direito) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2021.

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November 25, 2021