The unification of police forces in Brazil


Cairo Soares Coelho
Dyeverson Francisco Lopes
Ulysses Coelho Pinto


Administrative Police, Brazil, Judiciary Police, Unification


This study deals with “The unification of police forces in Brazil”. The general objective is to analyze which policing model can be adopted so that there is the unification of police forces. The specific objectives were: to describe public security in Brazil; demonstrate the kinds of police forces that exist; and present the possible implications derived from the unification. It is justified that currently in Brazilian territory there are types of police that act in the same space and at the same time, but not jointly, because one carries out ostensive policing (military police), maintaining social order; and others (civil police and federal police) investigate the criminal offenses committed. And that, therefore, as they exercise part of the cycle of police power, it is necessary to scrutinize the issues that need to be faced for this unification to take place and what is the understanding of specialists on this topic. The methodology applied was the bibliographic research together with the deductive method. It was concluded that there is a movement in the National Congress with the objective of unifying the administrative and judicial police. However, experts and those involved (mostly police officers) have several obstacles that would need to be resolved for this to happen, and the vast majority argue that the current policing system should not be modified.


COELHO, Cairo Soares; LOPES, Dyeverson Francisco; PINTO, Ulysses Coelho. A unificação das forças policiais no Brasil. 2021.27f. Artigo (Graduação em Direito) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2021.

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November 26, 2021