The unification of state policy as an advancement for brazilian states


Edilane Aparecida Pereira Reis
Lucas Alves Vinte
Mairon Ferreira de Paula


Unification, Police Complete Cycle, Detailed Term of Occurrence, Constitutionality, speed


This article aims to address the possibility of unifying state police forces, Civil and Military, as an advance for Brazilian states. The study was based on doctrine and legislation related to the theme. The analysis of article 144 of CF/88, which refers to the creation of the police and its attributions, brought a better understanding, including the constitutionality and possibility of unifying the police within the Constitutional principles, in order to respect the fundamental rights and guarantees of the Democratic State of Law. The use of the TCO - Circumstantiated Term of Occurrence, brought a great gain in relation to speed and the reunion of important information for the continuation of the process. With the implantation of the Complete Police Cycle, it will be possible to correct the problems of violation and search for the satisfaction of the principles of morality, efficiency, and the rendering of public service before society. Through the unification of the state police, an integration of the two police forces and their attributions will occur, so that the investigative and ostensible police will exercise their functions with more efficiency and celerity. The type of research used in this article was descriptive, based on theoretical issues, through bibliographic and documental research, consultation of books, articles and academic papers that already address the subject. The methodology used includes qualitative methods aimed at deepening the reflection on the subject in question.


REIS, Edilane Aparecida Pereira; VINTE, Lucas Alves; PAULA, Mairon Ferreira de. A unificação das polícias estaduais como avanço para os estados brasileiros. 2021. 30f. Monografia (Graduação em Direito) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2021.

Capa vermelha, simulando uma capa de monografia fisica. Com o nome da Instituição, nome do curso, nome do aluno centralizados no topo da página, título centralizado na página, e cidade e ano centralizado ao final da página.



November 16, 2021