Labor reform: social, legal and economic implications


Gabriel Lucas Tonaco Carvalho


Remodeling, Labor, Social effects, Judicial effects, Economic effects


This course conclusion work was prepared in a scenario of many labor changes. Given the consequences of these changes, it is necessary to know the main normative points of the Labor Reform in order to measure its practical effects in the social context and, from there, be able to form a critical view based on facts. For this purpose, the analysis of Law No. 13/467/2017 and its respective effects on the social life of the Brazilian people was necessary, especially with regard to the principles of worker protection and human dignity. Furthermore, it is impossible not to make explicit the principle of prohibiting the retrogression of social rights that could have been ignored due to the aegis of an expansion of employment and income generation.


CARVALHO, Gabriel Lucas Tonaco. Reforma trabalhista: implicações sociais, jurídicas e econômicas. 2021. 31f. Monografia (Graduação em Direito) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2021.

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November 23, 2021