The judicialization of health: an analysis of the need for judicialization of health for the supply of medicines


Renata Suellen Ferreira Coelho


Human Rights, Dignity of human personnel, Migration, Public policy, Ineffectiveness


The objective of this paper is to analyze the effectiveness of judicialization for the realization of the Right to Health, with regard to the supply of high-cost medicines. In this sense, the study examines the Right to Health, seeking to analyze the historicity of such right until the moment it was established in the Federal Constitution of 1988, a study on the Unified Health System and the duty to supply medicines by the State . Finally, the conclusion was reached that judicialization is an effective instrument for the realization of the Right to Health, however, it is up to
Public Policies to promote the Right to Health in an integral and concrete way. The methodological path adopted in bibliographic research based on doctrines, jurisprudence, scientific articles and published works on the subject. Furthermore, the methods applied will be hypothetical-deductive and comparative.


COELHO, Renata Suellen Ferreira. A judicialização da saúde: uma análise sobre a necessidade da judicialização da saúde para o fornecimento de medicamentos. 2021. 19f. Artigo (Graduação em Direito) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2021.

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November 22, 2021