The Reflections Of The Amendments In Law 11.101/2005 (By Law 14.112/2020) In Labor Justice


Marceli de Fátima Pereira
Rosemeire Alves de Carvalho


Judicial and extrajudicial recovery, Bankruptcy, Labor execution


This article briefly discusses the history of bankruptcy legislation in Brazil, from the colonial period to the present day, as well as the institutes of business recovery (judicial and extrajudicial) and bankruptcy. The central theme is the analysis of the changes brought by Law 14,112/2020 to the Recovery and Bankruptcy Law (Law 11,101/2005), especially highlighting the effects that these changes can bring to the labor process, especially in the execution phase, considering the need to achieve a double objective: preservation of the company, in view of its social function, and protection of workers' rights. The project was prepared through a bibliographic review, with the objective of studying the subject in order to broaden the understanding of the impacts of the changes in the law on labor executions against companies in the process of recovery and bankruptcy, in order to help law operators in their search of the best solution for the specific cases in progress. Among the changes, it was concluded that some are innovations in fact, while others only regulate what was already being practiced by the courts.


PEREIRA, Marceli de Fátima; CARVALHO, Rosemeire Alves de. Os reflexos das alterações na lei 11.101/2005 (pela lei 14.112/2020) nas execuções trabalhistas. 2021. 26f. Artigo (Graduação em Direito) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2021.

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November 22, 2021