Family license: a solution for equal rights between parents and mothers


Marcos Paulo de Freitas Ramos


paternity leave, maternity leave, equal rights


The family is an old institution and the woman always took care of the house, the children, the husband, the whole family in general. The family structure and its different family modes have adapted to the new forms presented by the developing society. In Brazil, the concept of family is one consisting of parents and children arising only from civil marriage. The Federal Constitution expanded the concept of family, recognizing other forms of family constitution, such as the stable union and the single-parent family, guaranteeing them the protection of the State. Women's work lost strength during the period when activities peculiarly carried out at home and in an artisanal manner began to be carried out within the factories in large production processes. The main role of men and women in society is the role of father and mother. One of the rights guaranteed to the father and mother, whether biological or not, is the leave, known as maternity leave and paternity leave. Family life is essential for development and the pursuit of happiness. It is on the principle of equality that citizens are guaranteed equal treatment without distinction. According to what he determines, no one should be treated unequally because of their gender, race, social class, belief or age. The truth is that despite a constitutional foundation, the principle of equality is not yet able to fully ensure equality between the sexes.
Keywords: paternity leave - maternity leave - equal rights


RAMOS, Marcos Paulo de Freitas. Licença-família: uma solução para igualdade de direitos entre pais e mães. 2021. 22f. Artigo (Graduação em Direito) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2021.

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November 25, 2021