Homeschooling: the responsibility of the state and the regulation of home education in brazil front pandemia Covid19


Nadabi Francisca Alves Pereira


homeschooling, pandemic, State responsibility


Many were the innovations brought and created with the Covid-19 pandemic. These innovations were necessitated by the fact that all people and environments had to reinvent themselves as a result of the pandemic. Social isolation forced everyone to become prisoners in their homes, having to readjust life to the new reality. With this, projects analyzed calmly and even a little forgotten, were brought up and put back on the agenda, an example of which is homeschooling, which has been seen as a possibility in Brazil for some time. Homeschooling is a reality in several other countries, such as the United States. There, parents not only like but prefer that their children can be taught at home. But according to those who go against this type of teaching, the main role of the school in the lives of children will be affected, that is, the socialization of children will be left aside. How can they live in society if their first contact with it will be limited or even cut off? Homeschooling, as much as it may seem an innovation, is a way of limiting childhood learning in society that the school provides.


PEREIRA, Nadabi Francisca Alves. Homeschooling: a responsabilidade do estado e a regulamentação do ensino domiciliar no brasil frente pandemia Covid19. 2021. 34f. Artigo (Graduação em Direito) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2021.

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November 26, 2021