Brazilian sports legislation and financial fair play


Olinto Alves dos Santos Neto


Sports Law, . Fair Play, Games, Soccer


This article will provide an analytical approach on Brazilian Sports legislation and Financial Fair Play. Considering that sport is an important cultural mechanism that has been improving with each generation. Thus, it is clear that games are, in addition to leisure, strong mechanisms of social influence, while they are precursors of sport, as well as the culture of a people, sports games influence society as a whole. In this sense, it will discuss the pertinent sporting norms that have an extremely important role in the Brazilian legal system. In short, the Financial Fair Play has been gradually being demonstrated in Brazilian legislation, and such legislation is still lacking in carrying such an institute. Thus, despite the laws already created, there must be a transition to a mechanism that the federations can oversee, and that the sports courts can punish those clubs that disrespect the legal rules. Thus, the intention of this analysis is to verify the Financial Fair Play, as a problem concept or an innovation. In addition, it is necessary to bring some doctrinal understandings that envision this issue within Brazilian sport.


SANTOS NETO, Olinto Alves dos. A legislação desportiva brasileira e o fair play financeiro. 2021. 16f. Artigo (Graduação em Direito) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2021.

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November 26, 2021