Rewards for whistleblower of administrative crimes or felonies: barriers on enforcement of law no.13.608/18


Raif Cézar Issa de Abreu
Aryone Juarez de Almeida Neto


good informant, whistleblower, anti-crime pack


The present brings the Figure of the Whistleblower, as brought by Law No. 13.608/18, changed by Law 13.964/19, as result of the Anti-crime Pack, points of debate where the norm can incur in inefficiency. The applied methodology is qualitative, and the inductive and deductive research methods were used. A historic review over Whistleblowing and a history of the system of denunciation in Brazil has been issued. It was pointed out Law No. 13.608/18, changed by Law No. 13.964/19, being exposed the added points on given law. The research was based on providing points of divergence and questions about the potential for an increase in the number of whistleblowers. The search shows inconsistencies and normative breaches that prevent failure to apply the law, or discourage informant collaboration. We also carry out behavioral studies that we have to deal with in order for informants to be available to report irregularities. In conclusion, the problem is that the norm presents vulnerable points, which can be difficult to apply in practice. Of the same form, we also set difficulties for the acceptance of the whistleblower by the society.


ABREU, Raif Cézar Issa de; ALMEIDA NETO, Aryone Juarez de. Recompensas para informantes de crimes ou ilícitos administrativos: obstáculos na aplicação da lei 13.608/18. 2021. 26f. Artigo (Graduação em Direito) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2021.



June 16, 2021