Drunk driving: eventual intent or conscious guilt


Natieli de Souza Vilaça


Murder, Traffic, Fraud, Guilt, Drunkenness


The discussion discussed here many years ago has been the subject of debates in the field of Criminal Law, both in doctrine and in domestic jurisprudence. The central theme deals with homicides caused in traffic by motor vehicle, transporting the drunk driver. In spite of these occurrences generated several changes in the legislation, it is known that the problem has not been solved, especially when it comes to the application of the institutes of eventual fraud and conscious guilt to this effect. Its objective is to investigate the culpability of those who drive drunk motor vehicles, traffic accidents with fatal fatalities, report their classification and describe the difference between possible intent and conscious guilt.


VILAÇA, Natieli de Souza. Embriaguez ao volante: dolo eventual ou culpa consciente. 2021. 20f. Artigo (Direito) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2021.

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June 16, 2021