Cybercrime: Crime Methodology and Prevention
cyber crime, methods, evolution, preventionSynopsis
For the readers of this article we seek to bring a light and easy reading, so that the reader reaches an easier understanding and conclusion. The article seeks to show people and guide them about cybercrime. Bearing in mind that we live in a world in which we increasingly depend on technology and the internet, through this we try to talk and show a little about the risks we run on the internet, the crimes committed by other people through the internet and we also seek to show how cyber-attacks occur in addition to delving a little deeper and knowing what are the main reasons that lead these people to commit this type of crime. It also shows a little about the methodology used by the bandits for the practice of these crimes, showing some of the most practiced crimes through the internet and their articles, we also try to talk a little about the insufficiency of the law in some cases and finally we also try to bring the methods preventive measures so that we can avoid falling into possible blows.
SILVA, Cristiano Mello da; SILVA, Eduardo Peres Godinho da; SILVA, Guilherme Moreira da. Crimes cibernéticos: metodologia do crime e prevenções. 2021.16f. Monografia (Graduação em Direito) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2021.