Analysis of rural retirement and its complexity in relation to the production of evidence for the granting of retirement


Ana Carolina Maria de Oliveira
Gilmar dos Santos Silva


Social security, special insured, rural worker, testimonial evidence, retirement


The reflection on the necessary evidence regarding the social security retirement benefit for rural workers is justified by the need to guarantee the fundamental right and due process of law in the jurisdictional provision regarding the assessment of exclusively testimonial evidence. The approach to the topic is of paramount importance, as it is an important social relationship for the country, as it is in the rural area that these workers from humble origins find work opportunities to ensure their own livelihood and, in most cases, also that of their family, given the low level of education they usually have. Currently, when we talk about rural activity, the country is internationally described as a true agricultural power, in this sense, a large part of the food that reaches the Brazilian table is produced by this class of workers through of agriculture, this category receives treatment in Law 8.2013/91, being considered a special insured which is part of the General Social Security System, however, despite the rural man being specifically treated by the constitutional norms listed by our Major Law, the rights The insured are accompanied by bureaucratic procedures in relation to accessing the retirement benefit. Thus, the objective of this work is to demonstrate the importance of rural workers for
the social development of the country and to draw special attention to the topic, present the strict rules regarding the process of granting the retirement application, as well as presenting the need for to make procedures more flexible in order to allow the production of exclusively testimonial evidence to gain access to social security benefits.


OLIVEIRA, Ana Carolina Maria de; SILVA, Gilmar dos Santos. Análise sobre a aposentadoria rural e sua complexidade em relação à produção de provas para a concessão da aposentadoria. 2021. 49f. Monografia (Graduação em Direito) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2021.

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November 23, 2021