Alternative ways to carry out the execution of the child support defaulter


Angélica Rocha de Oliveira
Mateus Augusto Moreira
Raissa Marcela Santos


food provision, atypical forms of execution, food debtor


This study aimed at the presentation and discussion that bypasses the fundamentals and what measures are used, be they typical or atypical to materialize the effective execution of the alimony defaulter. The present work also aims to explore the innovations that the legislator brought with the provision of Law 13.105 of 2015, the current Code of Civil Procedure, which resulted in significant results in the context of the execution of the alimony debtor, with the purpose of guaranteeing the effective compliance with the maintenance obligation. Notwithstanding, the main objective of this work was to investigate and present new ways for the effective execution of the alimony defaulter, providing new coercive measures that can be granted to the disadvantage of the debtor, always seeking to give effectiveness to the maintenance obligation. Finally, after all the research carried out in the course of this work, it is possible to say that it is possible to use other atypical methods, which can be effective, in order to seek the proper fulfillment of the maintenance obligation for minors.


OLIVEIRA, Angélica Rocha de; MOREIRA, Mateus Augusto; SANTOS, Raissa Marcela. Formas alternativas para a efetivação da execução do inadimplente de pensão alimentícia. 2021. 40f. Monografia (Graduação em Direito) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2021.



June 16, 2021