Drip irrigation


Maria Aparecida Claudino Rosa


Agribusiness, Water economy, Drip


Agribusiness, an important character in the Brazilian economy, uses and wastes a large amount of fresh
water. Furthermore, Brazil uses hydroelectric power plants as the main source of energy generation and,
therefore, the waste of the aforementioned resource is not desirable, since water and energy crises
can occur and affect the country with a series of other negative consequences. Thus, the proposed
project aims to bring knowledge and information so that medium and small farmers adhere to drip
irrigation, an irrigation technique that proposes saving water, among other benefits. This technique
consists of offering water punctually through drops to the region of plant roots, without necessarily
touching the other components of the plant, such as the stem and leaves.  


ROSA, Maria Aparecida Claudino. Irrigação tipo gotejamento. 2021. 11f. Trabalho de conclusão de curso (Gestão Pública) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2021.

Capa azul, simulando uma capa de monografia fisica. Com o nome da Instituição, nome do curso, nome do aluno centralizados no topo da página, título centralizado na página, e cidade e ano centralizado ao final da página.



September 27, 2021