The judicial procedure of expropriation and monetary correction of the indemnity in the knowledge and execution phases


Ricardo Diniz Pinto Roquete


Restatement, Calculation basis, Knowledge and execution phases in the face of the public treasury, Incidence, Judicial Proceeding in Expropriation


The basic concern of this study is to expose the existing positions regarding the definition of the incidence of monetary restatement in the judicial process of expropriation for public utility, in the phases of knowledge and enforcement of sentence. The objective is to precisely delimit the hypotheses of the outcome of monetary correction in the expropriation judicial proceeding. A bibliographical and jurisprudential research was carried out, with contributions from authors such as CARVALHO FILHO (2010), DI PIETRO (2004), URBANO DE CARVALHO (2009) and HARADA (2014), in addition to important decisions by the STF, STJ and TJMG. It was concluded that it is important to correctly interpret the country's legislation, specifically delimiting the correct calculation basis for the incidence of monetary restatement in the judicial context of expropriation.


ROQUETE, Ricardo Diniz Pinto. O procedimento judicial da desapropriação e a correção monetária da indenização nas fases de conhecimento e de execução. 2019. 10f. Trabalho de conclusão de curso (Gestão Pública) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2019.

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December 20, 2019