People management


Adriana dos Santos Pereira


Organizational strategy, Management , Leadership, Organization


This work aims to analyze the importance of the leader as a fundamental link in the organization, when we talk about people management. It is increasingly common the speeches of associations, where they aim to provide the best working conditions and favorable environment for their employees, there is a growing search for development and improvements in the work environment, seeking to adapt to the organizational climate. In this sense, this research shows the other side, the importance of a good manager for this adequacy, analyzing the manager's importance in relation to these variables. It is, therefore, an analysis of leadership and the relationship with its subordinates, thus reinforcing the role of the leader in management organizational organizational.


PEREIRA, Adriana dos Santos. Gestão de pessoas. 2019. 8f. Trabalho de conclusão de curso (Recursos Humanos) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2019.

Capa azul, simulando uma capa de monografia fisica. Com o nome da Instituição, nome do curso, nome do aluno centralizados no topo da página, título centralizado na página, e cidade e ano centralizado ao final da página.



December 30, 2019