Reverse Logistics in Brazil


Daiana Suely Dionizio


Garbage, Plastic, Reuse, Recycling


As Brazil is the 4th largest producer of plastic waste in the world, the aim of this article is to answer questions related to reverse logistics in the country. Plastic is a cheap and light material, characteristics that make it the most sought after material by the disposable products industry. But the consumption of plastic causes great damage to the environment, mainly due to its disposal. Reverse logistics acts as a tool to solve this problem, ensuring the direction of post-consumer packaging and materials for recycling or for obtaining energy.


DIONIZIO, Daiana Suely. Logística reversa no Brasil. 2019. 5f. Artigo (Processos Gerenciais) – Faculdade Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2019.

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December 30, 2019